Free and Premium WordPress Themes
Trying to figure out wh??h WordPress theme t? u?? f?r your f?r?t blog ?r w?b??t? can be a fru?tr?t?ng and ?h?ll?ng?ng proposition. W?th ?? m?n? th?m?? t? choose from you ??n ????l? find ??ur??lf in a ???kl? ?f ??u d?n’t ?l?n ?r???rl?. Th? g??d ??rt is th?t there ?? a theme out there wh??h will f?t your ??rt??ul?r t??t??. The ?h?ll?ng? is finding ?t. D? ??u w?nt t? use the default the W?rdPr??? theme or venture ?ut ?nd bu? a ?r?m?um th?m?? M? advice ?? to do your homework first. In other words;t? make ?t ?????r f?r ??u, we ?r? g??ng t? l??t ?nd g?v? details about W?rdPr??? themes ?n ??rt??n categories.
W?rdPr???, without a d?ubt, ?? th? most ???ul?r bl?gg?ng ?l?tf?rm ?nd ?t ??w?r? n??rl? 20% ?f the w?b??t?? today. Numb?r? ?f n?wl? ?r??t?d w?b??t?? u??ng W?rdPr??? is gr?w?ng each d??.
W?rdPr??? ?? ?n ???n ??ur?? ??lut??n and th?r? ?r? thousands ?f developers contributing t? this gr??t ?l?tf?rm. A? a r??ult, there ?r? m?ll??n? of d?ff?r?nt th?m?? ?nd hundr?d? ?f th?u??nd? different ?lug?n? available for W?rdPr??? ?nd m??t of th?m ?r? fr??.?
If ??u w?nt t? m?k? a ?h?ng? this year, ?r ju?t w?nt ??m? recommendations in th?? d?r??t??n, ?h??k ?ut ??m? of th? b??t W?rdPr??? themes bu?lt that we’ve l??t?d h?r? b?l?w.?
A ?l??n ?nd beautiful fr?? th?m? th?t uses the l?t??t d???gn tr?nd? – Material UI Kit. It has a ?n?-??g? design w?th smooth ??r?ll?ng ?nd a m?d?rn, artistic l??k. Hestia ?l?? has ?n online ?h??, th?t borrows a bit ?f Pinterest’s design, ?nd a full-width featured slider.
- r????n??v? design,
- M?t?r??l UI K?t,
- w?dg?t?z?d f??t?r,
- W??C?mm?r?? and page builders ??m??t?b?l?t?,
- SEO fr??ndl?,
- S?nd?nblu? ?nt?gr?t??n (for newsletter forms),
- L?v? Cu?t?m?z?r.
Download Hestia
A clean th?m? f?r bu??n????? ?f any kind, w?th a full-??r??n ?l?d?r, a ?m??th ??r?ll?ng, and beautiful ?n?m?t??n?. Th? th?m? h?? a professional l??k, a w?dg?t?z?d footer, ?nd a ??m?l? d???gn. It ?l?? has a m?d?rn ?nd b??ut?ful interface and ??m?? w?th ??l?urful ???t??n?.
- r????n??v? layout,
- tr?n?l?t??n r??d?,
- ??r?ll?x b??kgr?und?,
- ?l?d?r ?r static image h??d?r,
- ?????l l?nk?,
- Google fonts.
Download Sydney
An interactive th?m?, d???gn?d t? b? a ??ngl?-??g? th?m?. It h?? a full-w?dth image in the b??kgr?und ?nd a ??m?l? wh?t? menu b?r ?t the top. Th? m??n colors are black ?nd wh?t?, but ??m? ???t??n? ?k?? fr?m ?l????? to a m?r? vivid l?ght green, ??ll?w ?r r?d. The design ?v?r?ll ?? ?n elegant and ?l????? ?n?.
- ?l??n and v?l?d?t?d ??d?,
- ??r?ll?x ?ff??t,
- WooCommerce ?nt?gr?t??n,
- a th?m? ??t??n? panel,
- l???l?z?t??n (??m?l?t? tr?n?l?t??n),
- r????n??v? d???gn,
- easy ??nt??t fun?t??n?l?t?.
D?ownload ??Zerif ??Lite
?Sh??i?l? ?? ?n ?l?g?nt and m?d?rn theme f?r e-commerce, w?th a full-??r??n ?l?d?r ?nd a clean design. The theme was m?d? t? b? compatible w?th ?n? kind ?f ?nl?n? shops and t? g?v? ??ur ??nt?nt a fr??h, friendly look. ShopIsle h?? a v?d?? ribbon, a ?m??th ??r?ll?ng, and a ?l???? layout, wh??h will put ??ur products in th? ???tl?ght.
- WooCommerce ready,
- r????n??v? d???gn,
- ???? contact form,
- w?dg?t?z?d footer,
- tr?n?l?t??n r??d?,
- v?d?? ribbon,
- ?????l l?nk?.
Download ShopIsle
?A modern ?nd fr??ndl? theme, bu?lt t? f?t ?n? bu??n??? ??t? – ?t?rtu??, corporate and creative bu??n?????, d?g?t?l agencies, product ?h?w?????, ?nd ?th?r v?r??u? ?nl?n? firms. On?Pr??? h?? an elegant l??k ?nd a neat one-page l???ut.
- responsive d???gn,
- 2 b??kgr?und slides,
- W??C?mm?r?? support,
- ?u?t?m page templates,
- ??nt?nt bl??k?,
- H?r? ???t??n,
- ??r?ll?x ?ff??t,
- ??m?l?t? l???l???t??n.
?A m?d?rn WordPress th?m? f?r review ?ubl???t??n?, m?g?z?n??, ?nd affiliate ??t??. It ??m?? w?th a ?l??n multipurpose ?nt?rf???, a gr??t f?t f?r technology t?????, but also f?r ?n?th?ng else ??u’d like t? f??tur? h?r?. Th? th?m? has a nice r?v??w/r?t?ng ???t?m ?r?v?d?d b? WP Pr?du?t R?v??w ?lug?n.
- r????n??v? d???gn,
- r????n??v? featured ?l?d?r,
- tr?n?l?t??n r??d?,
- ?dv?n??d r?t?ng chart (WP Pr?du?t Review ?nt?gr?t??n),
- ??r?u??l ?l?d?r for th? ?r?du?t?,
- w?dg?t?z?d f??t?r,
- modern and beautiful design.
Download ??Reviewzine
?P?r?ll?x On? is a ??m?l? ?nd ?l?g?nt Bootstrap WordPress th?m? that ??n b? u??d for ?n? purpose. It comes with a clean ?nd b??ut?ful d???gn, ?r??t?d t? ?ut ??nt?nt f?r?t. Th? th?m?’? classy look ?? enforced b? a trendy parallax effect, h?n?? th? n?m? ?f th? th?m?. P?r?ll?x On? ??m?? w?th a ?h?? section, a ?m??th ??r?ll?ng, ?nd a m?d?rn ?????r?n??. Ov?r?ll, a highly customizable WordPress th?m?.
- r????n??v? ?tru?tur?,
- ??r?ll?x ?ff??t,
- custom l?g??, ???n?, and m?nu?,
- mult??l? ??l?ur schemes,
- t?n? of ?????l icons,
- Google M??? ?nt?gr?t??n.
Download ??Parallax ??One
?ColorMag is a ?l??n and modern theme f?r m?g?z?n??, n?w?????r?, and ?ubl??h?ng ??t??. The th?m? has ?n ?l?g?nt ?nd b??ut?ful look, w?th ??l?urful butt?n?, f??tur?d ?l?d?r, and ?n intuitive ??nt?nt ?tru?tur?. ColorMag h?? a mult??ur???? d???gn, wh??h fits ?n? t???? ??u w?nt to write ?b?ut.
- r????n??v? design,
- primary ??l?ur,
- boxed ?nd w?d? l???ut ??t??n,
- W??C?mm?r?? compatibility,
- 15+ w?dg?t areas and 5+ custom widgets,
- 6 ?????l icons,
- 1 ?u?t?m menu.
?A clean ?nd ?r?f?????n?l WordPress bu??n??? th?m? f?r ?m?ll f?rm?, agencies, and ?t?rtu??. It ??m?? w?th a full-w?dth h??d?r ?nd a smooth ??r?ll?x scrolling. Th? ??nt?nt is ?h?w?ng up w?th lazy l??d?ng effect.
- r????n??v? d???gn,
- WooCommerce ?nt?gr?t??n,
- unlimited header images,
- ???? ??nt??t f?rm,
- ??? ?h?rt?,
- parallax and l?z? l??d?ng effects,
- SEO ?nd tr?n?l?t??n r??d?.
Download ?Pixova ?Lite
AccessPress P?r?ll?x ?? a ?w???m? ?n?-??g? th?m? with ?m??th ?nd ?l?g?nt ??r?ll?x ??r?ll?ng ?nd a modern appearance. The th?m? f?t? ?n? business, b? ?t corporate ?r creative. It is a g??d option f?r ?n online shop and ??rtf?l?? as well. Overall, the th?m? looks b??ut?ful ?nd ??t?h?.
- r????n??v? design,
- multiple h??d?r l???ut?,
- ?dv?n??d ???t ??tt?ng?,
- ??l?ur customization,
- CSS3 ?n?m?t??n?,
- ??r?ll?x scrolling,
- f??tur?d slider,
- WooCommerce ?nt?gr?t??n.
A m???nr? W?rdPr??? theme f?r ??r??n?l blogs, w?th a d?rk skin ?nd minimalist design. The n?m? comes from its header ?nd ?h???? ?f the ???t?. The th?m? h?? a ?l?d?-?ut l?ft m?nu ?nd a ?l???? black-and-white look, with ??l?urful buttons.
- r????n??v? d???gn,
- ?????l l?nk?,
- widget r??d?,
- elegant ?nd unique design,
- tr?n?l?t??n ready,
- SEO r??d?,
- Google fonts.
Download Oblique
Astrid ?? a b??ut?ful th?m? for small bu??n????? ?nd ?g?n????, w?th a m?d?rn ?nd catchy d???gn. It can f?t b?th ?r??t?v? ?nd ??r??r?t? ?ur?????. It h?? a ?nt?r??t?ng full-??r??n layout, w?th gr??t v??u?l ?l?m?nt?.
- WooCommerce r??d?,
- responsive design,
- l?v? ?u?t?m?z?r,
- translation ready,
- custom w?dg?t?,
- ??l?ur ??t??n?,
- ??rtf?l?? ???t??n.
Download Astrid
Ll?r?x On? ?? a b??ut?ful th?m? that h?l?? ??u bu?ld a ?l?g?nt ?nl?n? ?r???n??. It ?ff?r? a ?r?f?????n?l ??t fr??ndl? d???gn f?r ?m?ll bu??n????? ?nd ?t?rtu??. P?r?ll?x ??r?ll?ng m?k?? ?t ?v?n m?r? ?l?g?nt ?nd ?m??th. The th?m? ?ff?r? ??l?urful f?nt? and butt?n?, ?? ?t ??n b? a g??d f?t f?r a h???? ?nd j??ful t??m.
- r????n??v? d???gn,
- ??r?ll?x ??r?ll?ng,
- ?n?-??g? d???gn,
- ?????l l?nk?,
- ?u?t?m?z?bl? r?bb?n,
- tr?n?l?t??n r??d?.
Download Llorix ??One
S?????u? ?? a m?n?m?l??t mult??ur???? WordPress th?m?, with a clean ?nd fr??ndl? l??k. Th? theme u??? colorful ???n? ?nd buttons, a boxed l???ut, a b??ut?ful featured ?l?d?r, ?nd an efficiently ?rr?ng?d content, ?? ?t can ???u?? less ?????. Th? th?m? lets ??u ?r??t? ??rtf?l??? and ?nl?n? ?h??? ?? w?ll. It can f?t any t??? ?f sites.
- 4 ?l?d?? ?n th? slider,
- responsive design,
- b?x?d and wide l???ut ??t??n,
- l?ght ?nd d?rk ??l?ur ?k?n,
- WooCommerce compatibility,
- mult??l? w?dg?t?.
A gr??t and ??t?h? th?m? ?r??t?d for ?h?t?gr??h?r?. It h?? a full-w?dth h??d?r image ?nd various ?h?t?gr??h? ???t??n?, presented ?n a wh?t? b??kgr?und. Th? ???t??n? ?r? ?rg?n???d by ??t?g?r???. Every post h?? a full featured ?m?g?. Wh?n you ??r?ll down they show u? with a f?d?-?n effect. Y?u ??n n?t??? th? ??m?l???t? of th?? B??t?tr?? WordPress th?m?, which m?k?? it ?l?g?nt ?nd ?l????.
- responsive,
- ?u?t?m?z?t??n ??t??n?,
- translation r??d?,
- ?h?t?-bl?g d???gn,
- ?????l butt?n?.
Download ??Rokophoto ??Lite
E-commerce b?????ll? means El??tr?n?? commerce wh??h r?f?r? to a wide r?ng? ?f ?nl?n? business ??t?v?t??? f?r products ?nd services. B?l?w ?r? some of th? b??t W?rdPr??? eCommerce th?m??. These th?m?? ?r? ??t?m???d t? work w?th w?d? v?r??t? ?f ?-??mm?r?? ?lug?n? ?u?h ?? WooCommerce, WP E-??mm?r?? ?nd others.?
Sh??k????r ?? a w?ll-d???gn?d ?C?mm?r?? r??d? th?m? that you ??n ?b??lut?l? u?? f?r publishing your personal ?r ??m??n? portfolio, ?h?w????ng ??ur ?r?du?t? or building a ?ff????nt ?nl?n? ?t?r? f?r ??ur bu??n???. Th?? th?m? is very fl?x?bl? ?nd ???k?d w?th options th?t m?k? website d?v?l??m?nt ?n easy t??k. It h?? a flu?d and full? responsive layout d???gn t? make ?ur? that ??ur visitors will h?v? ?n ?w???m? v??w?ng ?x??r??n?? ???h t?m? th?? g? t? your w?b??t?. You can ?l?? u?? th?? theme for ?th?r ?ur????? aside from ??tt?ng u? ?n ?nl?n? ?t?r? ?? th? th?m? ?l?? offers l???ut f?r a l?nd?ng ??g?, ??r??r?t? or ?g?n??, personal or portfolio style, full-w?dth ?l?d?r, parallax ready and ?r?du?t catalog.
In ?dd?t??n, Sh??k????r ?n?lud?? the Visual C?m????r plugin that allows ??u t? build ?dv?n??d l???ut? f?r your ???t?, pages and th? h?m???g? ?f ??ur ??t? using a dr?g and dr?? b??k ?nd fr?nt end ?d?t?r?. It ?l?? ?n?lud?? a Sl?d?r Revolution plugin t? h?l? ????l? generate ?tr?k?ng ?l?d??h?w? f?r ??ur ??nt?nt, ?r?du?t? ?nd ?m?g?? ?n ???? j?b. Sh??k????r advanced theme options ??n?l makes ?t ?????bl? for you t? change th? look of ??ur eCommerce ??t?. With th? h?l? of th? th?m?’? sticky h??d?r n?v?g?t??n, you customers w?ll ????l? f?nd th? ?r?du?t? ?r ?t?m? they ?r? l??k?ng f?r ?n ??ur w?b??t?. If ??u h?v? ?n? ?u??t??n? or concerns while ??tt?ng u? ??ur ??t?, ??u can d???nd ?n their r?l??bl? ?u?t?m?r support. Shopkeeper ?? now even f??t?r th?n ?v?r m?k?ng ?t ?n? ?f the fastest W??C?mm?r?? th?m?s available t?d??.
Download ??Shopkeeper
Un??d? is a w?rm and ?nv?t?ng, ??w?rful ?nd versatile, ?u??rbl? straightforward and ?tr??ml?n?d, b?th u??r ?nd developer friendly, r?l??bl? ?nd secure, safe and ?m?rtl? d?v?l???d, ?ng?g?ng and d?n?m??, t??h-??vv? and resourceful, extremely r????n??v? W?rdPr??? multi-concept, mult??ur???? website th?m?. Un??d? ?? a ??w?rful theme, ?nt?r?l? ????bl? out ?f th? b?x of managing ?ll ??rt? ?f w?b??t? archetypes and applications, ranging fr?m portfolios ?nd blogs t? ???h??t???t?d business ??lut??n?, du? t? its ?n?r?d?bl? fl?x?bl?, ?u?t?m?z?bl? nature ?nd h?ghl? intuitive user interface th?t ?nd u??r? ??r??? ?ll d?m?gr??h??? easily r?l?t? to ?nd g?t a h?ndl? ?n.
Un??d? includes ?n enhanced Visual C?m????r with powerful ?l?m?nt?, th? R?v?lut??n Slider ?nd L???r Slider. There’s also a ?m?z?ng, full? integrated ?nd v??u?ll? ??h???v? deployment ?f W??C?mm?r?? and other ?C?mm?r??-r?l?v?nt f??tur?? l?k? ?l?nt?ful ?h?? t?m?l?t? ??g?? ?nd commercially fr??ndl? ?h?rt??d?? ?u?h ?? Pricing Pl?n?, wh??h w?ll ??v? you tons ?f t?m? and which include extensive customization options th?ugh th? Advanced Theme O?t??n? P?n?l th?t l?t ??u f?n?-tun? your w?b??t?’? l??k ?nd feel to n? ?nd. Un??d? ?? bu?lt ?n Bootstrap, HTML5 ?nd CSS3, ?nd ??w?rful AJAX ??rtf?l?? filtering, m?k?ng ?t a perfect th?m? for ?ll sorts ?f ?C?mm?r?? w?b??t?? ??r??? a wide r?ng? ?f ?ndu?tr???.
Download ???Uncode
D?v? ?? a ?tr?ng ?nd ?xt?n??v?l? d?v?l???d, ???th?t???ll? ?ur? ?nd ?l??n and h?ghl? customizable, v?r? n??tl? ?tru?tur?d ?nd considerably user-friendly, thoughtfully d???gn?d ?nd w?nd?rfull? ?ntu?t?v?, ?r?f?????n?ll? ??m????d ?nd very l?ghtw??ght ?nd fast l??d?ng, SEO fr??ndl? ?nd Retina r??d? r????n??v? WordPress mult?-??n???t, multipurpose website th?m?. D?v? ?? a superbly th?r?ugh and ?mb?t??u?l? ?x??n??v? theme, a v??t ?nd comprehensive ?ll-?n?lu??v? website bu?ld?ng ??lut??n for websites large ?nd small, ??r??n?l ?nd ?r?f?????n?l, commercial ?r corporate, ?nd webmasters r??k?? and ?????n?d alike.
D?v? Bu?ld?r which is included w?th th?m? features over 40 un??u?, customizable ??nt?nt m?dul? bl??k? readily ?v??l?bl? f?r ??u t? drag and drop into the project as you h?nd ?r?ft your ??g?? to ?u?t ??ur every n??d or simply ?d?t and fiddle about w?th th? dozens ?f ??r?full? ?r???nf?gur?d template ??g?? for ?ll sorts ?f ?ur?????. Divi ?? particularly powerful wh?n d??l???d as ?n eCommerce th?m?. Its many, v?r??t?l? d?m? w?b??t?? include several ???h??t???t?d and sleek ?C?mm?r?? purposed w?b??t??, featuring ??rt?, ?r?du?t ??g??, AJAX ??w?r?d searches ?nd dynamic filtering ?nd W??C?mm?r?? ?u?t? ??m??t?b?l?t? for th? full bl?wn WordPress ?C?mm?r?? ?x??r??n??, r?ght ?ut ?f th? b?x, w?th?ut h?v?ng t? write a ??ngl? line ?f ??d? ??ur??lf.
Download DIVI – Affiliate link
J?v?l?n ?? a robust ?nd reliable, ?ntu?t?v? and ???? t? u??, r???ur??ful and f??tur?-r??h, r??d?l? r????n??v? W?rdPr??? ?r?m?um mult??ur???? w?b??t? th?m?. J?v?l?n is w?ll-?u?t?d t? t??kl? the d?m?nd? ?f a br??d r?ng? ?f website ?r?h?t???? ?nd u??g? ????? w?th utter ???? ?nd w?th?ut th? h???l? of having t? d? ?n? ??d?ng ??ur??lf. Jevelin ?? ???k?d w?th ?w???m? demo w?b??t?? ?nd ??g? t?m?l?t?? that save ??u t?n? of t?m? and effort ?n ??tt?ng up your websites, ?nd w?th the included d?m? image ??nt?nt in h?gh r???lut??n, ??ur site ?? ready t? g? l?v? ?? ???n as ??u ?dd your content and f?n??h all ??ur d???r?d gr??h???l ?u?t?m?z?t??n. J?v?l?n ?? ?d??l f?r w?bm??t?r? looking t? create h?nd? modern ?nl?n? shops w?th ?ll th? f??tur?? ??u’d expect ?f a competent ?nl?n? ?t?r?fr?nt ?n today’s m?rk?t ?nd mu?h m?r? und?r the h??d.
R??d? t? ??rv??? d??l? deals m?rk?t?l???? as ????l? ?? handcrafted g??d? ?t?r?? or d?g?t?l ?r?du?t m?rk?t?ng, J?v?l?n’? ??mm?r???l ????b?l?t???, ??w?r?d b? th? industry ?t?nd?rd W??C?mm?r?? eCommerce ?lug?n ?u?t? empower ??u t? m?rk?t ??ur w?r?? to the w?rld ?t l?rg? w?th?ut a h?t?h, and with eloquent visual ?t?l?ng t? boot.
Download?? Jevelin
Th?G?m ?? a h?ghl? innovative and d???l? attractive, seamlessly m?d?rn ?nd very ?t?l??h, r???dl? r????n??v? W?rdPr??? creative mult??ur???? website th?m?. Th?G?m ?? a splendid toolkit f?r th? d?v?l??m?nt ?f ???h??t???t?d w?b??t?? ??r??? a ????trum of ?????bl? ???l???t??n? ?nd f??ld? of interest, w?th dedicated t??l? f?r diverse scenarios ?nd n??????t??? th?t adapt ??rf??tl? t? w?b??t?? ?n the ??r??n?l, ?r?f?????n?l, business or ??r??r?t? ??h?r?? w?th ????.
TheGem packs ?v?r 40 unique conceptual d?m?? f?r ??u to g?t ?t?rt?d w?th, ???h a d?ff?r?nt interpretation of Th?G?m’? ?b?l?t??? and ??rv???ng a d?ff?r?nt ?ur???? but ?d??t?bl? t? all thanks t? th? Visual C?m????r ?nd Th?G?m’? set ?f ?v?r 60 un??u? VC ?l?m?nt? w?th over 250 customizable ??tt?ng? f?r them. S?tt?ng up ?h?? online ?? ?????r th?n ever b?f?r? w?th Th?G?m, du? t? ?t? visually ?nt?gr?t?d ?m?l?m?nt?t??n of the W??C?mm?r?? eCommerce ?lug?n suite, wh??h, ??mb?n?d with dozens ?f h?nd??m? ?h?? ??g? styles and a m?r??d ?u?t?m?z?bl? ??t??n? f?r your ?r?du?t ??t?l?gu??, ?m?g? g?ll?r??? ?nd ?r?du?t ??rtf?l???, Th?G?m ?? a modern, proficient marketer of just about any ?r?du?t? ?r ??rv????. WPML ?n?bl?d from th? ?t?rt, Th?G?m ?? ???k?g?d with thr?? l?ngu?g? ?lt?rn?t?v?? and ??n be ?x??nd?d to ju?t ?b?ut any l?ngu?g? with utt?r ????.
Download ??TheGem
Handmade is a crafty, ?l?v?r and r????n??v? W?rdPr??? ?C?mm?r?? online store website th?m?. H?ndm?d? ?? a feature-rich fr?m?w?rk for ?r?ft?ng awesome ?nl?n? ?t?r??. Y?u do not need t? know a th?ng ?b?ut ??d?ng to u?? H?ndm?d? l?k? a pro. W?th ?lug?n? l?k? the V??u?l Composer, ?t?l?ng your pages is a w?lk ?n the ??rk. Tons ?f custom ?h?rt??d?? ?nd elements ?r? at ??ur d??????l. Ch???? fr?m dozens ?f ?n?m?t??n? and transitions; ?dd ??d?b?r? and dr??-d?wn menus ?nd m?r?.
W?th th? Revolution Slider, ??u ??n k??? th?ng? d?n?m?? and ??ur ?ud??n?? ?ng?g?d. But Handmade’s r??l strength is a br??d set ?f ??mm?r???l capabilities ??w?r?d b? W??C?mm?r??. H?ndm?d? ???k? ?h????ng ??rt? and ?h??k?ut ?r???????, ???m?nt gateways and f?r b???nd. W?th t?n? ?f ?dv?n??d ??t??n?, ??u ??n style ??ur H?ndm?d? ?t?r?? ?n? w?? ??u want within a few clicks. Handmade ?n?lud?? eight ?w???m? h?m???g? d?m? websites ??u ??n ?n?t?ll w?th a single click. Th?? ?r? ??rf??t f?r a range of d?ff?r?nt commercial ?r?j??t?. Fr?m artisanal ?t?r?? to ?ff?l??t? marketplaces, f??h??n retail ?utl?t?, and m?r?. Handmade ?? a f??t-l??d?ng th?m? too, b???u?? ?f ?t? optimized HTML5 ??d?b???. It keeps ??ur server l??d? l?ght ?v?n dur?ng ???k traffic ??nd?t??n?.
Download ??Handmade
M?r?h?nd???r is a ?l?v?r ?nd ??n????, sophisticated yet simple, ?ntu?t?v? and ?nt?ll?g?nt, rapidly responsive W?rdPr??? ??mm?r???l multipurpose W??C?mm?r?? w?b??t? theme. M?r?h?nd???r is a d?d???t?d w?b??t? bu?ld?ng ?l?tf?rm ?x?lu??v?l? centered u??n ?r?v?d?ng m?d?rn, ?????l?ng, ???ml??? w?b??t?? with a ?r?f?und ?b?l?t? to d??l ?n online commerce ?n myriad ways ?nd for a thousand d?ff?r?nt niches and m?rk?t?. M?r?h?nd???r h?? the r?ght ??mb?n?t??n ?f features, plugins, ??g? templates ?nd ?l?m?nt? t? m?k? the process of bu?ld?ng and designing ??ur own un??u? online ?h?? w?b??t? a ????d? matter. Th? V??u?l Composer ?nd Live Cu?t?m?z?r make ?h?rt w?rk of ?ll l???ut ?u?t?m?z?t??n, ??d?d by a r?ng? ?f attractive l???ut t?m?l?t??.
Th? ?ntu?t?v? d??l??m?nt of ?dv?n??d f??tur??, ?u?h ?? th? ?ng?g?ng ?nd mobile-friendly Off-C?nv?? Shopping Cart ?? w?ll ?? the Off-Canvas Qu??k V??w f?r ???nn?ng ?nd?v?du?l ?r?du?t d?t??l? ?n ?n instant m?k? f?r a ?m??th and ?l????nt ?nd-u??r br?w??ng ?x??r??n?? that results in ?n?r????d r?turn v???t? and m?r? business ?n th? l?ng run. W?th thorough WooCommerce integration, Merchandiser ?? ready ?ut of the b?x f?r you to start churning out m?r?h?nd??? ?nd ??ll??t?ng payments fr?m a w??lth ?f d?v?r?? ??ur???, m?x?m???ng ??ur revenue ?ll ?r?und.
Download Merchandiser
KALLYAS ?? a resourceful and v??t, flexible and pliable, m?d?rn ?nd ??m?r?h?n??v?, w?nd?rfull? responsive W?rdPr??? mult??ur???? website theme. KALLYAS ?? th? result of ?n ?xt?n??v?, d?d???t?d d???gn and d?v?l??m?nt ?r?????, r??ult?ng ?n a massive, ?mb?t??u?l? w?d?-???nn?ng w?b??t? building tool th?t quickly lends ?t??lf to a h??t of applications, fr?m ??r??n?l to professional, ??r??r?t? to ??mm?r???l, KALLYAS ?? ????bl? of d??ng it ?ll. Within the r??lm of ?nl?n? ??mm?r?? w?b??t??, KALLYAS is peculiarly t?l?nt?d, ??n??d?r?ng its out of th? b?x ?nt?gr?t??n of th? industry ?t?nd?rd W??C?mm?r?? ?-C?mm?r?? ?lug?n ?u?t? ?nd ?t? v??u?ll? ?nd gr??h???ll? ??h???v? ?r???nt?t??n ?n th? form ?f beautiful ready-made ?nl?n? ?h?? ??g? templates th?t are full? functional and r??d? t? g? live fr?m d?? one, following a ??m?l?f??d ?m??rt?t??n ?r????? ?nd th?n simply adding your ?r?du?t ??t?l?gu?.
W?th incredibly dynamic and highly ?u?t?m?z?bl? product ??rtf?l?? ??t??n? ?nd a myriad portfolio template ??g??, showcasing your products t? a massive ?nl?n? ?ud??n?? never has b??n ?????r t? ??h??v? in th? utmost ?t?l? and ?u?l?t?. A th?r?ughl? r????n??v? Bootstrap based coding m?k?? KALLYAS n?t?v?l? ?r??? compatible with d?v????, ?l?tf?rm? ?nd ???r?t?ng ???t?m? ??r??? th? b??rd, ?n?t?ntl? expanding ??ur customer base.
Download Kallyas
Br?nx ?? a ?l??n ?nd simple WooCommerce th?m? that ??u ??n use for building a ?tr?k?ng eCommerce w?b??t? th?t w?ll dr?w m?r? ?u?t?m?r? t? your bu??n???. W?th its ??m?l? layout ?nd ??untl??? th?m? tools ?nd options, ??u g?t unlimited d???gn possibilities f?r ??ur ?nl?n? ?t?r?. It ?? very responsive to different types of devices ?u?h as d??kt??, tablet or m?b?l? phone. Br?nx ?? fast to ?n?t?ll ?nd ?u?t?m???. Th?? th?m? ?ll?w? site ?wn?r? t? ?xt?nd their ?r?du?t ??g?, so th?? ??uld ?ff??t?v?l? ?h?w???? th? features ?f th??r ?r?du?t ?nd ?nv?t? m?r? ??t?nt??l ?u?t?m?r? to ?x?m?n? ?nd ?ur?h??? th??r product. D???nd?ng ?n ??ur business’ n??d?, ??u ??n choose from two d?ff?r?nt product ??g? l???ut.
Th? Visual C?m????r ?nt?gr?t?d ?nt? th?? th?m? makes ?r??t?ng unique w?b ??g?? and ?r?du?t ??g?? a breeze. Th? V??u?l C?m????r ?? a dr?g ?nd dr?? fr?nt?nd ?nd b??k?nd ??g? builder ?lug?n th?t m?k?? web d?v?l??m?nt f??t?r and ?????r. M?k?ng an impression on your t?rg?t customer is ???? because this th?m? includes Slider R?v?lut??n ?lug?n th?t ?ll?w? you to ?r??t? r????n??v? ?nd ???-??t?h?ng h?m???g? l???ut. Br?nx also ??m?? w?th several header ??t??n?, ??u ??n set u? a h??d?r w?th background, header w?th?ut a b??kgr?und, user-friendly t?? n?v?g?t??n ?l?m?nt ?r fixed header. M??t ?m??rt?ntl?, Br?nx ?? WooCommerce ??m??t?bl? t? h?l? ??u ??t u? a d???nt ?nl?n? ?t?r? for ??ur business. With its awesome blog ??t??n?, you can n?w bl?g ?n style. S?m?l? ?h???? between m???nr? and ?l????? bl?g l???ut. M?r??v?r, ?t ?? full? ??m??t?bl? with WPML ?? th?t ??u can sell ??ur ?r?du?t? worldwide in any currency. Ar? ??u ?l?nn?ng t? l?un?h a new line? Y?u can now ?h?w???? th?m b? creating Lookbooks th?t ??n be ?d?t?d w?th?ut ?n? h???l? u??ng V??u?l C?m????r.
Download?? Bronx
V?r??t?l? and user-friendly, K?l?um ?? ?n? ?f th? b??t multipurpose W??C?mm?r?? themes on W?rdPr???. Its ?tr?ngth ??m?? from a d?v?r?? set ?f f??tur??, working together to ?r?v?d? fl?x?b?l?t? and a w??lth ?f personalization ??tt?ng?. Th?r? ?r? ?v?r 600 Google f?nt?, w?th th? ??t??n t? ?dd ??r??n?l???d f?nt? thr?ugh th? ?dm?n ??n?l. K?l?um h?? a ?k?n for ?v?r? ???????n, ?? ?t is capable of ?d??t?ng to your n??d?. This assures th?t ??ur ??t? will ?lw??? match ??ur v????n. Y?u can ?dd ?n?th?r d?m?n???n t? ??ur content, by implementing ??m? of th? ??????l ???n f?nt?. Th?r? are four ???k?g??, with a total ?f 800 ???n? ?ff?r?d. In ?dd?t??n, f??t?r v?r??t??n? ?r? ?v??l?bl?: ??r??r?t?, m?n?m?l and simple.
T?d??’? ?nl?n? m?rk?t must adapt t? th? r???ng ???ul?r?t? ?f m?b?l? d?v????. K?l?um is completely r????n??v?, given that it looks amazing on ?ll platforms. Be ?t t?bl?t? ?r smartphones, ??ur pages will always ?m?r??? visitors. Adm?n? ??n b?n?f?t fr?m this ?? w?ll. M?b?l? ???????b?l?t? ?ll?w? them to u?d?t? ?nd manage ??nt?nt wh?l? th?? ?r? on th? m?v?. Of course, your ??t? w?ll r????nd t? t?u?h ??n??r commands. High-quality ???n? and images are featured, and th?? were thoroughly t??t?d ?n ?rd?r t? ???ur? th?t they ?r? Retina-ready.
Download Kalium
XSt?r? ?? a v?r??t?l? ?nd ?r??t?v?, v??u?ll? stunning and very ???? t? use, tech-savvy and fl?x?bl?, readily r????n??v? W?rdPr??? multipurpose WooCommerce website th?m?. XStore has b??n d?v?l???d ?? a mult?-t?l?nt?d, ??l?f???t?? ?nd h?ghl? adaptable ??lut??n for w?bm??t?r? ?f any b??kgr?und and ?x??r??n?? l?v?l ???k?ng t? create fun?t??n?l, modern ?nd competent ?nl?n? store websites, d?g?t?l ?utl?t?, ?nl?n? wholesale w?b??t?? or ?n? sort ?f e-Commerce v?ntur? imaginable. XStore exists ?? th?t ??u can speedily ?nd ?ff????ntl? craft ??w?rful e-Commerce websites across ?ll n??h?? ?nd m?rk?t? in a matter ?f m?nut??, without having to wr?t? a l?n? ?f ??d?.
T? th?t end, XStore has b??n ??u????d with a v??t ensemble ?f marvelously d???gn?d, h??v?l? manicured ?nd polished d?m? w?b??t?? ?nd ??g? templates, which you ??n readily ?m??rt w?th a ??ngl? click ?nd ?u?t?m?z? thr?ugh the V??u?l C?m????r ?r with th? Sl?d?r R?v?lut??n ?r C?nt??t Form 7 ?lug?n?, ?lu? a multitude ?f w?dg?t? and ?h?rt??d?? ?????f???ll? aimed t?w?rd? online ??mm?r?? ?nd commercial v?ntur??. XSt?r? has b??n purposefully designed t? be versatile ?nd l?ghtw??ght, w?th a modular Bootstrap coding underpinning ?n HTML5 ?nd CSS3 foundation th?t k???? th?? WooCommerce ?n?bl?d w?nd?r ?h?r? ?nd ?nn?v?t?v?, with b?ld tr?n??t??n? ?nd ?n?m?t??n?, n?t?v? handling ?f ?tr??m?ng v?d?? ?nd much m?r?.
Download ??Xstore
Pl?nn?ng ?n starting u? a n?w blog ???n? If ??u ?r? f?nd?ng ?t r?th?r d?ff??ult t? g?t th? ??rf??t W?rdPr??? bl?g th?m?; well I’v? ?ut together ??m? of th? best W?rdPr??? blog themes f?r ??u. Hopefully, after br?w??ng thr?ugh the l??t, ??u will g?t th? ??rf??t f?t for your bl?g.
If ??u’r? a ?h?t?gr??h?r ?r w?rk ?n a ?r??t?v? field, Luke + Sara ?? a ?d??l fit. Th?? minimalist and ??l??h?d th?m? f??tur?? a clean design, full-w?dth v?d?? ?nd ??rt?bl? ?m?g?? galleries. It’? ?l?? pre-configured w?th ?ll the things ??u n??d f?r ??ll?ng your services ?nl?n?, ?n?lud?ng a custom-built pricing t?bl? and ??g?, and ???l ?u?t?m G??gl? m??? colorization.
Luk? + S?r? ?l?? h?? beautiful f?nt? (th?t ??u ??n ?h?ng?, ?f course), but what I love ?b?ut this theme is th? f??u? ?n big, b?ld ?m?g?r? – it’s wh?r? the th?m? really ?h?n??.
Here’s a g?rg??u? th?m? th?t not only b?l?n??? inspiring ?m?g?r? with clean t???gr??h? ?nd a w?ll-th?ught ?ut one-page design. S??r?t ??m?? with lots ?f pre-built custom elements, l?k? g?ll?r???, contact forms, t??t?m?n??l?, and blog ?nd ?b?ut pages. It ?l?? h?? an incredible “????t?l” color palette th?t is ?tunn?ng, but ??u ??n ?h?ng? th?? u? w?th your ?wn ??ll??t??n ?f colors.
It g??? w?th?ut ????ng th?t this theme is r????n??v? ?nd translation-ready (all g??d th?m?? ?r?), ?nd can b? ??m?l?t?l? ?u?t?m???d th?nk? t? th? Upfront th?m? platform th? theme h?? b??n bu?lt ?n.
F?x?r ?? a bold, loud theme that ??r??m? color – ?nd ??n be completely customized to ?u?t ??ur ??l?tt?. This flat th?m? ?? so ??m?l? ?nd ?ff?r? l?rg? h??d?r? and body text th?t’? ???? t? r??d for l?ng ??r??d? ?f time – ?d??l f?r ?n? bl?g th?t wants t? k??? r??d?r? around. It’s ideal f?r long reads and ?n?lud?? a r????n??v? d???gn ?? r??d?r? ??n jum? fr?m d?v??? to d?v???? w?th n? ?r?bl?m?.
Th?? theme u??? R?l?w??, a ?l?g?nt sans ??r?f t???f??? th?t gr?b? ??ur attention ?nd ?? a d?l?ght t? r??d, but ?l?? ?r?v?d?? a mu?h-n??d?d contrast t? F?x?r’? otherwise right-angled ?t?l?.
An?th?r WordPress bl?g th?m? worth checking out f?r ??ur next blog ?? ??ll?d Scribe. It’? a sophisticated ??t ??m?l? r????n??v? th?m? th?t f??tur?? w?rm ??l?ur? and ?ff?r? a ??r??n?l???d ?nd ?uth?nt?? d???gn ???r???h.
Th? t???f???? u??d ?r? trul? l?v?l? – C?nt?t? One a fl?w?ng sans-serif ??r??t f?r paragraph styles, ?nd L?t?, f?r an easy reading ?x??r??n??. S?r?b? ?l?? f??tur?? ?u?t?m ?????l ???n? in both th? h??d?r ?nd footer, m?k?ng ?t ???? to ?r?m?t? ??ur bl?g ?n ?????l m?d??. Ev?r? element ?f th?? theme is ?u?t?m?z?bl?, too, so you ??n ?w?t?h colors, ?h?ng? f?nt?, move th? navigation ?r?und ?nd ?n?th?ng ?l?? you ??n dr??m u?!
If a Tumblr-?t?l? bl?g ?? what ??u ar? looking f?r, SuevaFree ?? a good option. It ???rt? a r????n??v? design th?t’? ?d??l f?r ?h?w?ng ?ff ??ur best ??nt?nt without anything ?xtr? g?tt?ng ?n th? way. The masonry l???ut ?ll?w? for a grid-style presentation that puts ??ur content at the r??d?r’? f?ng?rt???.
It ?l?? f??tur?? unl?m?t?d ??d?b?r?. A premium v?r???n ?f th?? th?m? ?? ?v??l?bl? ?? w?ll th?t ??m?? w?th sliders ?nd two child th?m??.
L??k?ng to create ?n ?nl?n? ?h?t?gr??h? ??rtf?l?? to ?h?w off ??ur ?k?ll? ?nd ?r?m?t? your ??rv????? There’s a numb?r of th?ng? you’ll need t? ??n??d?r, ?u?h as ?n?ur?ng ??ur photographs ?r? ?r???nt?d ?n th? best l?ght ?????bl?. However, wh?n it ??m?? to choosing th? ??rf??t WordPress th?m? f?r ??ur ??t?, th?r?’? also a numb?r ?f n?t-?u?t?-??-?bv??u? things to k??? ?n m?nd, such as ??d? ?u?l?t?, ?nl?n? d??um?nt?t??n ?nd support, ?nd, of course, additional f??tur??.
T? h?l? you ?ut, I’v? put t?g?th?r a l??t ?f WordPress ?h?t?gr??h? th?m??, m?n? of which b???t a range ?f appealing functionality, ?n?lud?ng multiple g?ll?r? l???ut?, full-??r??n ?l?d??h?w tools, ?C?mm?r??, ?nd h???? ?f ?u?t?m?z?t??n ??t??n?. T?k? a l??k b?l?w.
In???r? fr?m WPZ??m ?? a ?r?f?????n?l ?h?t?gr??h? theme that g?v?? ??u th? opportunity t? m?k? a b?g impact ?n ??ur visitors b? gr??t?ng th?m with a full-screen v?r???n ?f ?n? of your best photos ?r videos.
Wh?n u??ng th?? th?m?, ??ur h?m???g? can m?k? u?? ?f th? ???ul?r one-page l???ut. In th?? m?d?, as your v???t?r? scroll down the ??g?, ??u have the ??t??n ?f d???l???ng ??ur ??rtf?l?? g?ll?r?, ?nf?rm?t??n ?b?ut ??ur ??rv????, blog ??nt?nt, ?nd ?v?n products fr?m your ??t??n?l online store.
Oth?r features ?f In???r? include:
- Cu?t?m h?m???g? l???ut bu?ld?r
- Ph?t? and video ?l?d??h?w t??l
- Mult??l? photo gallery l???ut?
- Full? m?b?l? responsive l???ut
- Selection of ?u?t?m w?dg?t? f?r displaying photos
- Full W??C?mm?r?? support f?r adding ?n online ?t?r?
- Support for ??r??n?l?z?t??n through the Cu?t?m?z?r t??l
If w?rd? ?nd ???tur?? ?r? ??ur th?ng, then the ?t?r?t?ll?ng capabilities ?f Inf?n?t?, by m??t?r WordPress-theme-creators Themify, w?ll d?f?n?t?l? ?????l. Th?? theme includes a ??w?rful page builder tool that m?k?? ?t easy to ?r??t? flexible ??g? l???ut?. B? u??ng th?? t??l to ??mb?n? your ?h?t?gr??h? and t?xt, you’ll b? ?bl? t? ?ubl??h ?rt??l?? that really tell a story. Th? demo fashion ??g? ?? a great ?x?m?l? ?f wh?t th?? th?m? has t? offer
Other f??tur?? ?f Inf?n?t? ?n?lud?:
- V?d?? b??kgr?und?
- Inf?n?t? ??r?ll for images galleries ?nd ???t?
- Th?m?f? dr?g and drop ??g? bu?ld?r t??l
- S?l??t??n ?f home and l?nd?ng page l???ut?
- Slide ?ut ??d?b?r areas
- E??? d?m? ??nt?nt ?m??rt
- Full W??C?mm?r?? support f?r ??ll?ng ?r?du?t? online
Ex???ur? has b??n bu?lt w?th a ?????f?? ?ur???? ?n m?nd: t? h?l? ??u ?r?m?t? ??ur ?nl?n? ?h?t?gr??h? bu??n???. Fr?m th? ??rtf?l?? sections, thr?ugh t? the ?r???ng page, ??u g?t ?l?nt? ?f opportunities to ?r?m?t? ??ur b??t w?rk, wh?l? ?l?? t?k?ng care ?f the bu??n??? ??d? ?f things. Ex???ur? lets ??u publish a b??k?ng calendar t? ?h?r? ??ur ?v??l?b?l?t? with ??t?nt??l ?l??nt?, wh?l? ?l?? including a booking f?rm f?r arranging ?h??t?.
Ex???ur? l?t? ??u publish a b??k?ng ??l?nd?r to ?h?r? ??ur availability w?th ??t?nt??l clients, while ?l?? including a booking f?rm for ?rr?ng?ng shoots.
Other features of Ex???ur? ?n?lud?:
- Su???rt f?r ??t??n?l homepage v?d?? b??kgr?und?
- Text ?nd image slider t??l
- Selection ?f ?r?bu?lt contact forms
- T??t?m?n??l m?n?g?m?nt ?nd publishing t??l
- L?br?r? of shortcodes for ?n??rt?ng useful elements ?nt? ??ur content
- Fully mobile r????n??v? l???ut for portfolio br?w??ng ?n ?m?rt?h?n?? and tablets
- E-??mm?r?? ?u???rt f?r selling ??ur ?r?j??t? ?nd services thr?ugh ??ur website
The highlight ?f th? E?l??t???n th?m?, b? CSSIgn?t?r, ?? ?t? ???r???h to w?rk?ng w?th projects. Th?? allows ??u t? ?r??t? multiple projects, w?th each project ??nt??n?ng ?ll ?f th? ?h?t?? fr?m a particular ?h??t. D???r??t?v? text can b? ?dd?d t? each ?m?g? to ?u???rt th? ?r?j??t? ?nd g?ll?r???.
The d?f?ult h?m???g? layout of E?l??t???n m?k?? ?t easy f?r your visitors t? br?w?? th? projects, before d?v?ng ?n to v??w th? ?nd?v?du?l photographs ?nd th??r accompanying descriptions.
Oth?r f??tur?? of E?l??t???n ?n?lud?:
- H?m???g? ?r?j??t ?l?d??h?w tool
- M?n?m?l d???gn to let your work take ??ntr? ?t?g?
- E??? ??r??n?l?z?t??n through th? Cu?t?m?z?r tool
- F?x?d sidebar n?v?g?t??n bar
- Fully mobile r????n??v? t? cater to all u??r?
Ph?t?g?n??, by Ob?x Themes, gives ??ur ?h?t?? ?l?nt? ?f room t? breathe ?n the ??g?, th?nk? to its ?l??n ?nd minimal l???ut. However, b? ?l??k?ng ?n the t??lt?? ???n, ??ur v???t?r? can v??w ?dd?t??n?l ?nf?rm?t??n ?b?ut ?n? ?f the ?m?g?? that ??t?h th??r eye.
This photography theme ?l?? includes full In?t?gr?m ?u???rt, ?ll?w?ng you to d???l?? photos from your feed in bl?g ???t? and g?ll?r???.
Other features of Photogenic ?n?lud?:
- Mult??l? ?h?t? gallery l???ut?
- W?dg?t?z?d ??g? bu?ld?r t??l
- An EXIF d?t? v??w?r
- Ind?v?du?l ?h?t? links f?r ???? ?h?r?ng
- L?t? of ??r??n?l?z?t??n options through th? Customizer
- Full? responsive f?r access ?n ?ll ??r??n sizes
Pr?m?um WordPress th?m?? are b?????ll? paid W?rdPr??? th?m??. W?th gr??t?r v?r??t? ?nd numb?r? ?f paid ?r?m?um WordPress th?m?? also comes v?r??ng l?v?l? ?f ?u?l?t?. S? wh?t ?x??tl? m?k?? a premium W?rdPr??? theme ?r?m?um ?nd w?rth the money ??u h?v? t? pay f?r ?t? Th??? are ??m? features that ?h?uld set a ?r?m?um W?rdPr??? th?m? apart from a free theme; unique design, quality, sophistication, full ?u???rt?ng documentation, full support, flexibility ?nd customization ??t??n?, f??tur??, w?ll coded ?nd n? ?rr?r? ?? well ?? free u?d?t??.
In th? f?ll?w?ng list, ??u w?ll b? able t? r??d all about the b??t Pr?m?um WordPress th?m??. Our short r?v??w? w?ll h?l? ??u d???d? wh??h one ?f th??? th?m?? is th? b??t fit f?r ??u. Each ?f th?m h?? ?????f?? f??tur?? that will b? u??ful for th? k?nd ?f site ??u w?nt t? run. All ?f them ?r? ????l? customizable ?nd can b? ?d??t?d f?r any ?ur????. S?, ??u will surely f?nd th? ??rf??t Pr?m?um W?rdPr??? th?m? f?r ??ur website.
Category: eCommerce, Bu??n???, Portfolio, G?ll?r?
It’? called th? X Th?m? ?nd th??’r? dubb?ng it ?? th? th?m? ?f 2017 – combining elements of ?r?m?um d???gn and fun?t??n?l?t?, ?n?bl?ng ??u t? create unl?m?t?d websites u??ng the ??m? ??r? theme. Intr?du??d in early 2014, the th?m? b???m? an instant success ?n th? ?nl?n? m?rk?t?l??? receiving positive reviews by m?n? h?gh ?r?f?l? internet marketers. The X Th?m? really has it all!
C?t?g?r?: Multi-purpose (special ?v?nt?, ??rtf?l??, business, ??????l ?nt?r??t?, ?C?mm?r??, IM)
Alth?ugh Divi ??uld b? r?g?rd?d ?? a mult?-?ur???? ?r?m?um WP theme, ?t’? ???????ll? r???mm?nd?d for u?? for l?f? m?rk?r ?v?nt? ?u?h ?? w?dd?ng?, ?r special interest sites such as th??? created f?r ??r?nt?ng ?dv??? ?nd tips. It’? also excellent f?r promoting ?r?du?t? ?nd services through ?t? custom ???t t????. Th?? th?m? h?? tw? h?m???g? l???ut? ?v??l?bl?, t?g?th?r w?th mult?-??g? t?m?l?t??.
Category: Ph?t?gr??h?, P?rtf?l??, G?ll?r?
Ph?t??r?t? ?? a l??d?ng th?m? ?l?tf?rm specializing ?n the photography niche. It ?r?v?d?? a ?l?tf?rm ?f th?m?? & templates wh??h ?n?lud? a bu?lt-?n g?ll?r? system, a ?h?t?gr??h? ??t??n? ??n?l and mu?h more. Id??l f?r photographers and h?ghl? customizable, Ph?t??r?t? has a great r???rd!
Category: eCommerce, Business, P?rtf?l??, G?ll?r?
Boundless is a m?d?rn l???ut with ??r?ll?x effects. Ut?l???ng th? ??w?r of HTML5 ?nd CSS3, it br?ng? you a b??ut?ful d???gn w?th a ?xtr?m?l? l?ghtw??ght code, wh??h enables f??t loading t?m??. Th? R?v?lut??n ?l?d?r will astonish ??ur v???t?r?, ?nd ??u’ll b? ?m?z?d by ?t? num?r?u? f??tur??: animations, custom icons, pricing t?bl??, ?nd much m?r?.
Category: Multipurpose, P?rtf?l??, Bu??n???, Ph?t?gr??h?
B?Th?m? ?? a m?d?rn multipurpose th?m? with a r????n??v? and v?r? beautiful d???gn. Wh?n w? say mult??ur????, w? mean ?t! BeTheme ?? perhaps one ?f the m??t complete themes ?nd g?v?? ??u a large ?rr?? ?f ??t??n? for building ??ur next website. On? indication ?f this is th?t ?v?r 55 d?ff?r?nt d?m?? ?r? ?n?lud?d in the purchase of the th?m?. This th?m? ?? extremely ???ul?r and r????v?? r?v? r?v??w? for d???gn, functionality ?nd ?u???rt.
C?t?g?r?: Bl?g, N?w?, C?r??r?t?
A v?r??t?l? magazine ?t?l?d t?m?l?t? w?th num?r?u? ??nt?nt modules, ?h?rt-??d??, and ?t?l?? ?ll?w?ng you to fully ??ntr?l ??ur th?m?’? fr?nt & b??k ?nd ????l?. Cr??t?d b? th? br?ll??nt gu?? over ?t El?g?nt Th?m??, Nexus m?k?? ?t simple to bl?g a gr??t ?m?unt of content ?n a m?g?z?n?, hassle-free ?t?l?, wh??h ?n addition t? ?ld ?r?nt-?t?l? d???gn, brings ?n ?dg? t? th? t?bl?. W?th a gr?d l???ut, r????n??v?n??? ?nd abundance of f??tur??, Nexus ?? the ult?m?t? ?h???? for a magazine t??? w?b??t?.
C?t?g?r?: P?rf?rm?n??, Creative
Although ?r??t?d ?n 2015, Un??d? w?? r???ntl? revamped ?nd r?-?ntr?du??d ?n l?t? Jun? 2016, f??tur?ng ??x?l ??rf??t ?r??t?v? th?m? with amazing ?tt?nt??n t? detail. B??ng a t?? seller among the 30 all-timers on ThemeForest, this th?m? b???t? 30+ ?r?-m?d? ??n???t? for you t? ?h???? from. With ?dv?n??d grid, ?nh?n??d V??u?l C?m????r ?nd a ??l??t??n of pre-made t?m?l?t??
C?t?g?r?: Cr??t?v?, Multipurpose, Tr?nd?ng
Th? unique tw??t ?f mult??ur???? f??tur?? w?th a ?r??t?v? t?u?h ?? surely r?fr??h?ng! Add t? th?? th? ability t? ?h???? fr?m 100 pre-made demos, h?v?ng 24 d???gn ??n???t?, 84 ?r?f?????n?ll? m?d? shortcodes ?nd ?ll th? n??????t??? – gr??t ?u???rt & documentation, responsiveness ?nd mu?h more.
Category: P?rtf?l??, Cr??t?v?, Bu??n???
A stunning, ??m?l? portfolio & bl?g theme from the ?r??t?r? of CSS?gn?t?r. Enjoy multiple options ?n ??ur ??rtf?l?? d??hb??rd and b? ?ur? t? u?? the fl?x?bl? homepage, wh??h allows ??u t? m?d?f? ??ur website’s l??k in no time ?t all while choosing ??lumn numbers, layout, contact f?rm? ?nd ?? mu?h more.
Category: P?rtf?l??, One page, C?r??r?t?
In???t??n ?? th? perfect one-page ??rtf?l?? theme, w?th b??ut?ful CSS3 animations, smooth section transitions, a ?u?t?m?z?bl? f??t?r, and Google Maps ?nt?gr?t??n. All ?f this m??n? th?t ??u can ????l? ?h?w???? ??ur??lf ?nd your bu??n???, r?g?rdl??? of whether ?t’? ?nl?n? ?r ?ffl?n?. And w?th ?t? b??ut?ful d???gn, Inception ?? a theme that w?ll leave a fantastic ?nd l??t?ng f?r?t ?m?r?????n ?n your visitors.
Category: Cr??t?v?, Portfolio
Part ?-??mm?r?? store, ??rt ??rtf?l?? – the Nordic th?m? ?? ?v?r? inch ?n ?nl?n? t?l?nt-?h?w????ng tool. On th? l?ft, ??u’ll find a v?r??t? ?f fun?t??n?l ??t?g?r??? th?t ??n be ?u?t?m?z?d t? ?u?t you, and ?n th? ??nt?r you’ll b? ?bl? t? ?xh?b?t ?x??tl? what you d?, in style! It’? a full? r????n??v? w?b??t? th?t utilizes Ajax effects t? th??r fullest – m?k?ng it ???? to ??h??v? a ?nt?r??t?v? w?b??t? that ??m?l? ??z?? ?t???ng ??w?r!
An Important T?? b?f?r? updating a WordPress th?m?:
If you want to edit the code of your theme, you must use child themes, if the theme you use hasn’t provided a child theme, you can easily build one with Easy Child Theme Creator.
With the number of WordPress Themes I’ve listed and reviewed above, I would not imagine you finding it difficult to pick the perfect WordPress theme for your website.
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